IWA-MS No Retreat, No Surrender Review

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In collaboration with Powerbomb TV, IWA-MS returned for another live stream event as they presented No Retreat, No Surrender. Mance Waner defended the World Title against Larry D in the main event. This event was held on March 8, 2017

Gary Glaxy vs Chase Holliday

Gary Galaxy’s attire is interesting to say the least and Holliday is a graduate of the Black and Brave werestling school. This was my first time seeing these two so I wasn’t too sure what to expect. You can tell that they are still in the developing stages of their career since their offense was a bit generic. I won’t rip them apart because to do so would be unfair. This match was a bit rough around the edges and the finish was extremely awkaward, but overall this was a decent start to the show. ★½

Mr. Fun-Sized Marko Stunt vs Eddy Only 

Marko Stunt is the greatest thing to have ever happened to IWA-MS in recent time. This was a really fun match that played to the overall annoying but admirable tendencies of Stunt. The finish was hot but it was brought down by some shenanigans as Calvin Tankman interfered. Still, this was fun all the way through. It was short, but fun-sized. No pun intended. ★★¼

Calvin Tankman vs Suge D

Tankman’s interference in the previous match led to Suge D coming out to attack him. Immediately, we had a match-up underway. This started off really heated but it fizzled out quickly. The pace slowed down drastically and, with it, so too did the excitement. It went longer than it needed and after a while it got a bit redundant. ★½

Allie Kat vs Shotzi Blackheart- few sloppy moments early but was engaging. Heart and soul performance

Very good performances from both women who are two of the most unique characters on the independent scene right now. There were a few sloppy moments at the beginning, but nothing too damaging. There was a lot of heart and soul this, especially towards the end where the drawn-out pace signaled that these two were running on fumes. I liked the pacing and display of tenacity but they were still missing that change of gear to really take it to the next level. ★★¾

AJ Gray vs Ace Romero

A solid heavyweight bout from two brutes. AJ Gray is really starting to come into his own and has improved tremendously over the last year. This was just two big guys beating the piss out of each other. The action was athletic and compelling. ★★★

Texas Deathmatch: Hudson Envy vs Su Yung

These two brought the fight to each other as the action spilled the outside within the first few minutes. The action never got violent (nor did I expect it too) but it was damn sure crazy. The main weapon used was the ladder and they took some sick bumps. There was also a table spot that was built to very well. An engaging and compelling match. ★★★

Aero Boy vs Anthony Henry vs Jake Crist ***1/4

This was an incredibly fun triple threat match. The pacing was frantic and the varied styles of all three men made for some fun interactions. Henry’s strikes stopped Aeroboy’s momentum in his tracks, Aeroboy used his body as a missle and Jake Crist’s unpredictable and frenzied style served to remind you that he was still in this match. Great performances from everyone. ★★★¼

Trey Miguel & Myron Reed vs Pat Monix & Elliot Paul

Miguel and Reed have had meteoric rises in their careers over the past year. Monix and Paul have carried the IWA-MS tag titles well thus far and know how to work an engaging heat. It’s should be no surprise, therefore, that these two teams killed it out there. Miguel and Myron had a ton of fire and were very explosive in their offense. Monix and Paul were dominant when in control and it made the babyface team’s comeback that much more satisfying. The finishing stretch was really hot and this was easily the match of the night up until this point. ★★★½

IWA-MS World Title: Mance Warner (c) vs Larry D

Mance Warner is the exact kind of underdog champion that has characterized IWA-MS over the years. Ian Rotten just as this innate ability to look at someone and see their potential before everyone else. Larry D is the man in IWA-MS if you ask me and has been tearing it up over the past few months with the likes of Jonathan Gresham and Calvin Tankman.

Going in, the deck was already stacked against Warner. Winning this match was not going to be an easy task and a more realistic goal would have been to just survive. From the onslaught, Larry D had made his presence known as the he tossed Warner around outside delivering some clubbing blows in the process. Warner had to scratch and claw his way for the slim chance of getting in any offense. When he did seem to find an opening, Larry D was back on the attack. At one point, he laid in a series of devastating forearms in rapid succession. It was brutal to look at.

This was an extremely compelling match and one that told the ultimate underdog story. It was damn near impossible to not root for Warner. The resiliency and tenacity he possessed really carried his performance. Every time he came up, he was determined to knock the big man down. Whenever he was down, he was determined to get back up. The pacing was great, the action was gripping and the story was yet another emotionally charged narrative for Warner. Awesome main event. ★★★¾

You can catch the repay of this event at Powerbomb TV

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