Bar Wrestling 7: A Christmas Special

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In its short existence, Bar Wrestling has developed a reputation and quite the niche for its outrageous and over-the-top antics during the matches. A Christmas Special relies heavily on this comedic approach as the entire night is centered around the story of the babyfaces trying to save Christmas. While the wrestling leaves little to be desired, the overarching story helps maintain the fun atmosphere that Bar Wrestling is known for.

Scorpio Sky vs Hot Young Briley

This was actually one of the few matches on the card that didn’t rely heavily on comedic antics. Briley got the jump on Sky to kicks things off and they spent the first few minutes on the outside. Briley has really come into his own in Bar Wrestling and he’s just a natural heel. There’s a certain annoyance to everything he does. It’s not “go away” heat, but you just want to see him get ass kicked and have that stupid grin wiped off his face. Scoripo Sky is such a great hand to have any show these days. It’s no surprise these two meshed well. For the most part, this match was back and forth with neither man gaining control for too long. There was a nice added touch of festive spirit near the end but it didn’t take away from the competitiveness of the match. Very good opener. ★★★

The Killer Baes vs Delilah Doom & Solo Darling

I really wanted to enjoy this match but booking these two teams against each other was a poor decision. I’m a huge fan of Solo Darling, the Killer Baes are good at drawing heat and Delilah Doom does some good rope work. However, the inexperience of the Baes really showed and Solo’s character work could have only done so much.  There was a lot of sloppiness from all four women and way too many awkward moments during double team maneuvers. I think they could have shaved off a couple minutes as well. The longer this match went the sloppier it got and they just had a hard time clicking. I do admire their enthusiasm though. ★★

Eli Drake vs. JTG

I had zero expectations for this match going on. Of course, it’s always the matches that I have no expectations are the ones that I end up enjoying a lot. This was a nifty little match that pretty much defines the style of Bar Wrestling. There were some silly moments in here but they’re well-placed within the confines of a wrestling match. It didn’t feel like it was in bad taste nor did it feel overbearing. Eli Drake’s over-the-top selling, while silly, is absolutely hilarious and helps put over the more outlandish moments. The pacing of this match was phenomenal (for what it was) and JTG’s work is top-notch. There was never a dull moment and the match was funny without even trying too hard. Everything just felt so effortless and nautral. I don’t think it went more than five minutes but this was a huge blast from start to finish. Great work from both men. ★★★

Taya Valkyrie vs Raisha Saeed

This match was the exact opposite of the previous bout. Everything they did felt forced and the timing of the ‘comedic’ spots was not the best. I don’t think they should have placed those spots where they did. It just felt like they were trying too hard. The sad part is, I actually liked the wrestling portions of this match and they probably should have stayed on that course. There were too many ideas that needed to be sifted. ★★

Reno SCUM vs Luchasaurus & Super Panda

Right off the bat, I’m just going to say it. Super Panda was the star of this match and is a severely underrated worker. Unfortunately, he tore his bicep early on but he still managed to pull through. The work here is sub-par at best with lots of ‘dead air’. There’s an extremely dangerous spot in here that probably should not have even been attempted given Panda’s injury. Panda tried to deadlift Luchsaurus and throw him over the ropes onto the team of Reno SCUM. However, his arm gave out and Luchasarus had a pretty nasty landing. Things did pick up near the end but it wasn’t enough to save the patchy work. ★★

Brian Cage vs Ethan Page

I was really hoping to get ‘Troll Boy’ Ethan Page but Brian Cage wasn’t having any of it. And for good reason. I don’t think any of us wanted to see Cage follow Page’s instruction for him to ‘go down’.  For the most part they brawled all over the bar and it was a structurally sound match. The back and forth pacing of the brawl made it fun and the use of a banner of Olaf (yes, the character from Disney’s Frozen) was a nicely added humorous touch. Solid contest. ★★★

The World’s Cutest Tag Team & Dick Justice vs HATE (Peter Avalon & Ray Rosas) & Swoggle

Maybe it’s because Ethan Page teased it earlier, but the crowd really wanted to see someone have oral sex performed on them. Naturally, a Joey Ryan match would be their closest thing to having that wish come true. Within the first minute the crowd was egging on Peter Avalon to suck Joey Ryan’s ‘blowpop’. Thankfully, he did not obey their command. As far the action in this match goes, it’s not all shits and giggles. The wrestling moves are performed with conviction, there’s a sense of pacing and a good use of pyschology to aid in putting over the outlandishness of it all. Just how ridiculous was this match? As if having a midget weren’t enough, Candice Le Rae was dressed like a Christmas tree and Joey Ryan was a stripper Santa (I think). If you have a hard time finding Dick Justice in this match, he’s the guy dressed as a Santa. And if everything I just said sounds ‘normal’ to you, how does freaking Macauley Culkin setting up a booby trap sound? Yes, this match had a midget, Santa Claus, Slutty Santa, a Christmas Tree and Home Alone’s Macauley Culkin (who just happened to casually be in attendance). What more can you possibly want from a Christmas Special? I give this match five big bright Christmas tree stars.

This event is now streaming at Highspots Wrestling Netowrk

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